iOS 8 QuickType Keyboard: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know


At WWDC 2014, Apple unveiled a bunch of new features that will debut in iOS 8. Among these features is QuickType, a keyboard improvement that’s generating a ton of buzz on social media. Here’s what you need to know about QuickType and iOS 8’s keyboard options.

1. iOS 8’s QuickType Keyboard Offers Contextual, Predictive Text

As we covered in our round-up of iOS 8’s new features, QuickType offers predictive texting that is based on context and audience.

QuickType will offer “next word” suggestions that make sense based on what you are talking about. If you’re talking about weekend plans, the keyboard might suggest words like “dinner” or “movie.”

2. QuickType Learns Your Unique Typing Quirks

QuickType can also learn your personal typing habits across different apps, offering different suggestions based on who you are talking to. This is a neat feature for those of us who type very formally when creating work emails, but revert to “text speak” with friends when chatting via SMS or in chat apps.

3. QuickType Is One of Several Message Improvements in iOS 8

Overall, Messages on the iPhone will be getting several major upgrades in iOS 8. The Wire notes that, in addition to QuickType, people sending messages in iOS 8 can look forward to other time-saving features.

One of the best features is “Details”:

“The biggest iMessage change [is] the Details section. Details will appear on the top right of your conversations. This section has a variety of information: who you are talking to, the option to add a new contact to the conversation, all of the images from that thread, the locations of your friends, enabling/disabling location settings, and most importantly, choices for leaving a group message. Your location can be shared for an hour, day or forever with those in your conversation. “

4. iOS 8’s QuickType Is Secure & Private

Apple Insider notes that this “smart” keyboard isn’t going to pose a risk to your privacy:

“The iOS keyboard has also been revamped with predictive typing suggestions, a feature Apple has dubbed “QuickType.” It also intelligently interprets appropriate responses: In one example, a text message asked whether the user wants to do dinner or a movie, and suggestions were either “Dinner” or “Movie.”

These new suggestions learn a user’s language and words they prefer, but Apple also emphasized privacy, saying that the information will never leave the device.”

5. QuickType Isn’t the Only iOS 8 Keyboard Improvement

iOS 8 will also have improved support for third party keyboard apps. Gizmodo writes:

“Apple announced that iOS 8 would support third party keyboards. That means you folks complaining that Swype doesn’t work on iPhone, don’t need to complain anymore.

It is worth noting, however, that third party keyboards have been around a while—sort of. SwiftKey appeared in iOS 7 earlier this year, though it was inside of a note-taking app. The new update means that you can take your keyboard of choice anywhere in the operating system now, and that is a beautiful thing.”

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Here's what you need to know about QuickType and iOS 8's keyboard options.